Your own unique blend of public and private Cloud flavours… with sprinkles!


Cloud computing has proved transformational for organisations ranging from startups to global leaders, allowing them to design, manage, and scale their IT infrastructure with a level of agility that would previously have been impossible. This widespread embrace of Cloud transformation is helping drive a range of new innovations, including Cloud-native security, integration with edge computing platforms for IoT applications, and the next generation of AI, ML, and big data platforms.

Whatever your preferred flavour of Cloud, make sure it’s highly available, highly scalable, and highly secure


Cloud computing has changed the way organisations think about their IT infrastructure forever. With around 92% of a typical organisation's infrastructure now likely to be Cloud-based1, and more than 70% of organisations hosting more than half their workloads in Cloud environments2, the global Cloud market is predicted to be worth $1251.09 billion by 20283.